Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hello again....

It's been far too long since I have written an update. I apologize. Life has been happening. We are busy here at our home, but do not think that means we have forgotten our journey or about the other journeys we are following. I think about them on a daily basis.

C is in the last two weeks of his chemo and radiation therapy. He goes every single weekday to receive treatment and sometimes on the weekends too. He just finished his third round of chemo. His wife S, mentioned the regimen has been very difficult for him. The nausea and fatigue have really compounded. Add in dry mouth, blisters, and a sore throat and you get a glimpse of what he is experiencing. I'm really hoping time passes quickly for C and that he can be on the other side of this hurdle looking back at the great challenge he overcame.

M is doing well, considering. She is in her third week of treatment and has started to experience a few negative side effects. Pain, fatigue, food tasting horrible..... She isn't having any fun sitting either. She wants to get up and go. My sister and I visited her a few times right after she was home from surgery, and if she's up for it, we're thinking a game day would be good.

I'm going to ask you praying folk to help me out once again. My best friend, college roommate, and just an all around great gal called me a few days ago to let me know her mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. Things are not looking good. It really saddens me to think about what they are going through. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Cancer is becoming a far too common word in my world!


  1. We will be praying for your friend. You have been a great friend to them!
